General Forms

Vacant House Form

After completing your form you may Email to: or Fax to: 732-920-3586

Firearms Application & Registration System (FARS)

The Brick Township Police Department is now accepting firearms applications for Firearms Purchaser Identification Cards and Pistol Purchase Permits electronically.

Follow the instructions below to apply for Initial and Duplicate Firearms Purchaser Identification Cards and Permits to Purchase a Handgun:

Step 1: Visit the FARS website. You MUST enter the site address as follows:

Step 2: The ORI # for the Brick Township Police Department is: NJ0150600 You must use the ORI for the jurisdiction in which you reside.
(You WILL NOT be able to complete the FARS online application WITHOUT THE PROPER ORI)

Step 3: For initial applications you will need to use Service Code 2F164B

Step 4: Complete the online application. You may complete the application using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop or desktop computer. When completing the application, you will need the email addresses of 2 reputable references. Your references can be family members.

Step 5: You MUST appear at the Brick Township Police Department to PAY for your INITIAL Firearms ID Card and/or Pistol Purchase Permits. Your application WILL NOT be processed until you have PAID for the Firearms ID Card/Pistol Permits. Non-refundable payment is required to be made prior to the completion of the background as per NJAC 13:54-1.4. The fees are $50.00 for Initial Firearms ID Card and $25 per Pistol Permit, payable in cash or check only!

  • You will be receiving automated email updates throughout the process.
  • Once your application is complete, a department representative will contact you to retrieve your Firearms ID Card and/or Pistol Purchase Permit documents.
  • Please advise your references that the FARS system will email them the reference questions to be answered. Your references can complete the questions using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop or desktop computer. Please advise them to complete the questions immediately to process your background investigation.
  • The online application is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have entered the best phone numbers for yourself and references, as well as, the best email addresses for yourself and references.

(Any questions – Please call (732) 262-1136)

Forms for Retired Law Enforcement Officers

The New Jersey Self-Reporting Crash form (SR-1) is used to report a crash that was not investigated by the police and it is the only form that can be used for this purpose.

Click here to download the form.

or Click here to file directly with the State of NJ